City of Prior Lake, MN
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City Water and Sewer Utilities
The City of Prior Lake provides water and sewer service for residents and businesses. Water providers work hard to ensure their customers have safe, reliable water 24 hours a day - every day. This requires constant care and management of a complex network of water treatment plants, pump stations, reservoirs, storage tanks, thousands of miles of pipes, and extensive planning to address issues of aging infrastructure, population growth, new and changing regulations, and climate changes.
To start or stop water and sewer service, submit the Start Service Request or Stop Service Request as soon as possible upon securing a closing date or a change of occupancy.
Rental Properties -- Landlord and Tenant Information
If you were renting prior to Jan. 1, 2022, you will continue to make utility payments just as you always have.
On January 1, 2022, we started to exclusively keep accounts in landlords' names, once a tenant currently on the account moves out. Once a renter moves out, utility billing for any rental property will be made in the name of the owner of that property.
Summer Sewer Rate Break
The charge for sewer usage for the August & October billing cycles (which covers the period from May 21 - Sept. 20) shall not exceed 150% of the average of your winter-time water usage (Feb. and April billing cycles). The purpose of the sewer break is to provide consideration for lawn and garden sprinkling and other related outside water usage, including pools, which does not flow into the sanitary sewer system. For further information see City Ordinance 704.404 Sanitary Sewer Cap Rate.